Prof. Suraiya Faroqhi contributes to the symposium held on occasion of the 50th anniversary of the journal TURCICA in Paris. She will present a paper entitled “TURCICA: Among its Friends and Rivals” at the conference held in Paris on Oct. 10 th , to celebrate the anniversary of the scholarly journal TURCICA.
Faroqhi is a member of the editorial committee of this peer-reviewed international and multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles in German, French, Italian and English, authored by some of the most renowned scholars from all over the world dealing with Turkic and Ottoman studies. The journal introduces itself as a publication dealing with “Turkic and Ottoman studies (peoples, languages, cultures, states...)”. Occasionally, the editorial committee includes thematic «special features» focusing on subjects that have given rise to widespread interest. Every issue contains an extensive selection of book reviews.
Faroqhi’s paper will be part of a special issue of TURCICA that contains the index of its entire content published between 1999 and 2019.
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