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Double Majors

Double major programs provide the undergraduate students with proven outstanding academic success an opportunity to study another selected dicipline of their choice, concurrently, to obtain a second degree. 
Students in all other departments can qualify to double-major with the History department, as long as they fulfill the following requirements: 

Application Requirements for Double Major Program

  • Students can apply to double major programs between the beginnings of their third and fifth semesters. 
  • A minimum GPA of 2.72/4.00.
  • Having successfully completed all credit courses taken in previous semesters.
  • Being in the top 20% of the success ranking in the class.

Applications must be submitted via the Student Information System (OBS) on the dates announced in the academic calendar. 
For detailed information about double major and minor programs, you can review the Directive for the Double Major and Minor Programs.  

Students interested in studying History as a double major can check the History Department's second major curriculum.
For application dates and qoutas, please click

Department of History
Double Major
I. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours C ECTS
SPS 101 Humanity and Society I 2 2 3 5
HUM 101 The World Through Art and Literature I 2 2 3 5
HIST 101 History of Modern Turkey I 2 2 3 5
TLL 101 Modern Turkish Literature I 2 2 3 5
NS 101 Nature and Science I 2 2 3 5
STAT 101 Statistics 2 2 3 5
Total 18 30
II. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours C ECTS
HIST 102 History of Modern Turkey II 2 2 3 5
TLL 102 Modern Turkish Literature II 2 2 3 5
University Courses - Communication and Thinking Skills Elective 2 2 3 5
University Courses - Art Elective 2 2 3 5
University Courses - Civilization Elective 2 2 3 5
University Courses - Science Elective 2 2 3 5
Total 18 30
III. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours C ECTS
HIST 201A Introduction to Historical Thought and Method I 3 0 3 5
Departmental Elective 3 0 3 5
Departmental Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
Arabic / Turkish / General Elective / Departmental Elective 1./3 4/0 3 5
Total 18 30
IV. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours C ECTS
HIST 201B Introduction to Historical Thought and Method II 3 0 3 5
Departmental Elective 3 0 3 5
Departmental Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
Arabic / Turkish / General Elective / Departmental Elective 1./3 4/0 3 5
Total 18 30
V. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours C ECTS
HIST 311 or HIST 341 Early Islamic History: A Survey (to AD 1100) or Ottoman History I (1300-1600) 3 0 3 5
Departmental Elective 3 0 3 5
Departmental Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
Arabic / Turkish / General Elective / Departmental Elective 1./3 4/0 3 5
Arabic / Turkish / General Elective / Departmental Elective 1./3 4/0 3 5
Total 18 30
VI. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours C ECTS
HIST 312 or HIST 351 Islamic History: the Middle Period (c.945-1500) or Ottoman History II (1600-1800) 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
Departmental Elective 3 0 3 5
Departmental Elective 3 0 3 5
Arabic / Turkish / General Elective / Departmental Elective 1./3 4/0 3 5
Arabic / Turkish / General Elective / Departmental Elective 1./3 4/0 3 5
Total 18 30
VII. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours C ECTS
General Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
Arabic / Turkish / General Elective / Departmental Elective 1./3 4/0 3 5
Total 18 30
VIII. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours C ECTS
General Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
General Elective 3 0 3 5
Arabic / Turkish / General Elective 1./3 4/0 3 5
Total 18 30
General Total 144 240
Departmental Elective COURSES
Course Code Course Name Hours C ECTS
HIST 202 History of Religions 3 0 3 5
HIST 200a Expository Writing in History 3 0 3 5
HIST 203 Archeology and Culture 3 0 3 5
HIST 205 The City in History 3 0 3 5
HIST 206 Lords and Peasants 3 0 3 5
HIST 207 Men, Ships, and the Sea 3 0 3 5
HIST 208 Anatolian Civilizations 3 0 3 5
HIST 209 War and Society 3 0 3 5
HIST 210 Nations and Nationalism 3 0 3 5
HIST 212 History of the Nineteenth Century 3 0 3 5
HIST 213 History of the Twentieth Century 3 0 3 5
HIST 315 History of the Modern Middle East (to the 1920s) 3 0 3 5
HIST 317 Ancient Greece 3 0 3 5
HIST 318 The Hellenistic Age 3 0 3 5
HIST 319 Republican Rome 3 0 3 5
HIST 320 The Roman Empire 3 0 3 5
HIST 323 Byzantium: A Survey (400-1453) 3 0 3 5
HIST 326 The Middle Ages: An Economic and Social History 3 0 3 5
HIST 361 Ottoman History III (1789-1908) 3 0 3 5
HIST 381 Environmental History 3 0 3 5
HIST 414 Three Gunpowder Empires 3 0 3 5
HIST 419 Mediterranean Cities 3 0 3 5
HIST 431 History of Ottoman Institutions 3 0 3 5
HIST 436 History of a City II: Ottoman Istanbul, 1450-1900 3 0 3 5
HIST 440 Ordinary People and Daily Life in the Late Ottoman Empire 3 0 3 5
HIST 453 Ottoman Women c.1300-1900 3 0 3 5
HIST 498 Special Readings I 3 0 3 5
HIST 499 Special Readings II 3 0 3 5
HART 411 Islamic Miniatures 3 0 3 5
HUM 405 Imperialism and Colonialism in Art and Literature 3 0 3 5
HUM 406 The Twentieth Century in European Art and Literature 3 0 3 5
* The following 8 University Courses:
SPS 101-102
HUM 101-102
HIST 101-102
TLL 101-102

* A minimum of 12 courses from the History Undergraduate Course Pool, including:
HIST 201a & HIST 201b (required)
either HIST 311-312, or HIST 341-351
plus 8 other departmental electives

* This includes TLL (Ottoman Turkish) and PERS (Persian) language courses, of which no more than 4 may be counted towards the 12 minimum

* But please also note: Intensive (20 hours per week) TLL or PERS courses taken at the IHU Summer School count for two normal courses each, and therefore not 4 but only 2 of these may be counted towards the 12 minimum