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Doctoral Student Saeedi Participates in CEST 'Cultural Exchange and Heritage' Summer School in Vienna

Doctoral Student Saeedi Participates in CEST 'Cultural Exchange and Heritage' Summer School in Vienna
Doctoral Student Saeedi Participates in CEST "Cultural Exchange and Heritage" Summer School in Vienna

The doctoral student at IHU History Department, Nilab Saeedi, participated in the CEST Summer School Program 2022 held under the theme of Cultural Exchange and Heritage, at Vienna University between 11-22 July. The Consortium for European Symposia on Turkey (CEST) introduces itself as a project that “works to advance research on Turkey and provide opportunities for early career scholars and graduate students in Turkey and Europe by organizing academic events and promoting the exchange of ideas and networking among scholars.”. It is the result of joint efforts of various institutions and departments at the University of Venice; Stockholm University; University of Naples; University of Duisburg-Essen and Vienna University, such as the Institut für Orientalistik; Stiftung Mercator; Institute for Turkish Studies, Swedish Institute and CNRS/CERI Sciences Po, Centre De Recherches Internationales.

Nilab Saeedi presented her research study on the "16th Century Ottoman Historiography in Persian Style: Reinterpretation of a Literary Tradition”. Saeedi had the opportunity to debate and discuss her work and to receive feedback from the scholars and researchers who were present in the CEST 2022 program. The program included lectures, readings, exercises, excursions, and social exchange with instructors and members of CEST.
